Sheffield Forgemasters has completed two key leadership appointments. Craig Fisher takes on the role of Programme Director, overseeing the company’s substantial recapitalisation programme, and Ken Stevenson joins as Strategy and Transformation Director, responsible for the company’s overall business strategy.
Both directors bring high levels of experience to their respective roles and will oversee significant levels of change for the business, as it reshapes under Ministry of Defence ownership.
Gary Nutter, Chief Executive Officer, said: “The appointment of two key directors to oversee both physical and operational changes for the company’s ongoing evolution, is an important development for us.
“Craig Fisher will deliver the investments made by our owners, to create a whole new forging line and to build a world-leading machining facility, which will transform the speed, accuracy and delivery of some of the world’s most complex forgings and castings.
“Ken Stevenson’s role is to work with the leadership team to deliver the strategy and business plan for the company, which will set out our aims, objectives, values and vision for the next several decades of manufacturing across defence and commercial markets.
“They will take responsibility for some crucially important projects to ensure that we deliver against our stakeholder commitments as we build an exciting future for UK manufacturing.”
Craig Fisher joins the company from a former role as Head of Delivery/Programme Director for Aerospace, Defence & Energy (Mott MacDonald Bentley) working for Rolls-Royce, delivering on a £2bn investment programme.
He also previously acted as Project Director for Anglian Water Services’ Strategic Pipeline Alliance for one of the country’s largest infrastructure programmes with an investment of c£1bn over five years.
Ken Stevenson worked as a consultant to Sheffield Forgemasters, advising the company on its MoD acquisition and transition into public ownership over a three-year period.
He formerly served with Rolls-Royce, leading several strategic change programmes, most recently the Civil Aerospace division, responsible for the successful delivery of a major global cross-Civil Aerospace transformational programme.