Earlier this year Bendalls Engineering reported their UK/Germany Apprentice Exchange as once again being a fantastic success! Apprentices from Bendalls (Ryan & Will), Chirton (Kai), and Wälischmiller (Max & Fabio) had the chance to gain experience in engineering practices across various sectors while embracing a new language and culture.
The first week kicked off at Bendalls, where Fabio, Max and Kai engaged themselves in welding, milling, and turning, getting hands-on with the unique products manufactured here. They had insightful discussions with team members, broadening their understanding of engineering approaches and innovations.
In the second week Ryan, Will, and Kai began their journey with an in-depth tour at Wälischmiller. They explored the functions of manipulators in the showroom, spent time in the training workshop, and actively engaged in different projects alongside Fabio and Max.
No exchange would be complete without some social fun! Fabio and Max enjoyed axe throwing and took a plunge in the UK sea, while Ryan, Will, and Kai were treated to a boat tour on Lake Constance, where they even tried their hand at wakeboarding.

This two-week exchange fostered teamwork, cultural understanding, and friendships. We’re incredibly proud of these apprentices for making the most of this experience, working hard, and building memories to last a lifetime!