New equipment which is enabling AJ Engineering & Construction Services Ltd to become a key player in the production of transmission structures is now in operation at the company’s Waterford site.
The £700K investment in the kit also means the firm is currently advertising for new machine operators and other staff.
The equipment was imported from America-based firm Peddinghaus who produce the toughest steel fabrication machinery in the world.
The investment in the Anglemaster HD Angle Line which was made possible after AJE secured a grant from Energy Transition Zone (ETZ) was made at the tail end of last year with the equipment finally arriving and being installed at the end of July.

General manager and director, Graham Alexander, said: “The minute that we had placed the order for the equipment we were able to start bidding for work in this sector, so now that it is here, we have been able to get it operating straight away.
“This is a new market for us, but we saw an opportunity and decided to invest in machine. Electricity transmission is big business throughout the UK.”
Graham added: “All the parts that are required to make a transmission structure can be manufactured on this piece of kit. It now means that we are actively looking for to expand the team as we need more staff to manage the orders and operate the machine.”