HMS Engineering (Hereford) Ltd, based in Hereford, are the masterminds behind a wide range of incredible engineering projects, including a wide range of TV and film projects such as Top Gear and Scrapheap Challenge. Specialising in commercial engineering, and bespoke fabrications.
Hadrian Spooner, director of HMS. “In the last 18 months, HMS has invested heavily, purchasing an Ajan CNC High Definition Plasma, a Morgan Rushworth PBXS 4100/200 Press Brake, Morgan Rushworth XR 4kW Fibre Laser and a Morgan Rushworth HST 125 Steelworker”.
“We’re a very strong believer here that if something’s good, you’re going to know about it and if something’s bad, you’re going to know about it as well. And the whole Selmach experience, I must say, has been very pleasurable very professional, and we have gained some fantastic kit and a great working relationship.”
How did you hear about Selmach and why did you choose them?
“We first heard about Selmach actually shortly after they moved on to our estate, it’s a small world here in Hereford, and to be fair, anybody selling big machinery around here is going to come up on my radar.”
What was the reason that the business considered this machinery in the first place?
“We considered new machinery at the start of Covid lockdowns, we had to establish what we were going to do as a company because we had no idea how long Covid was going to go on and what was the best means forward for the company was, and that was to grow. Or try and grow during the pandemic, which we did. There are elements of the business now that have grown vastly.”
What machinery have you purchased from Selmach Machinery to solve that?
“We’ve purchased various machines from Selmach, we’ve bought an Ajan profiler, which is brilliant. If anybody’s looking for a dual head profiler, I don’t think you’ll better it. We’ve bought a Morgan Rushworth XR 4kw Fibre Laser cutter, which is the latest toy in the box. It’s just made life so much simpler, because if we want it, it’s there in the corner of the building. A 200 tonne, 4m Morgan Rushworth Press Brake and a 125 Tonne Morgan Rushworth Steelworker.”
How has the machinery worked for yourselves?
“Our new investment in machinery has given us an increase in production, as it’s increased our inhouse capacity. Rather than having to go out and be waiting for someone else’s timeline, we’re creating our own timeline ourselves. That’s very important, we now have control over aspects where before we had no control, it’s a great way forward.”
How was the experience with Selmach while you were being quoted / advised and delivered?
“My experience with Selmach right through from quote to sale has been I mean quite pleasurable in all fairness, a very approachable company. Anything they can do to help you or actually make it happen they’re going to try and do. Although saying that it’s not in your face, you haven’t got a rep here annoying you every 5 minutes annoying you. It’s just about the right balance. You know, they understand the requirement. They go away, and they come back with a figure and a capacity. This is what we can do and then, you know, you’re just left alone to get on and think about it really.”
What about aftercare and service?
“The aftercare and service were something that was actually a major consideration for us, because you know, Selmach are only quarter of a mile away, it would be hard for them to escape. You know, if we are trying to get someone here, just to sort a problem out, that someone’s going to be here. Although in saying that, every time we’ve had an issue, which has usually been the fact that we’re learning, bang someone’s there, perfect. The company Selmach is greatly supported by its installation crew who are very knowledgeable. When they’re giving you the guided tour of the machine, you just know they know everything about it.”
Any future machinery considerations?
“We are not planning any further machinery purchases at the moment, we’re short of space now which is something I never thought would happen. I don’t really think we’ve got any more capacity for any more machinery. Although if I had, I would seriously be considering Selmach again.”
“Would you recommend Selmach and our machinery?”
“Would I recommend Selmach and their machinery to somebody else? The answer is yes, and I already have. We’re a very strong believer here that if something’s good, you’re going to know about it and if something’s bad, you’re going to know about it as well. And the whole Selmach experience, I must say, has been very pleasurable very professional, and we have gained some fantastic kit and a great working relationship.”