At Euroblech, HACO will demonstrate its special CAD/CAM software for bending and fibre laser cutting, among other things. Three press brakes and a new shear will also be on display.
CAD/CAM-software for bending and fiberlaser cutting
With the Hacobend 3D CAD/CAM software for bending and fibre laser cutting, digital workpiece formats from current 3D CAD software can be easily imported and processed into optimum programmes for the various CNC controls in HACO’s range of machines. The imported and modified designs can then also be exported back to the customer’s respective CAD system. The development of this new software relied on years of experience in developing 3D CAM software by HACO’s subsidiary Robosoft and the use of modern software. The exhibition team will give continuous demonstrations of this software.
Press brakes
Demanding and high-production sheet metal working
The PressMaster 30150 represents the premium segment, intended for demanding and high-production sheet metal working.
PressMaster 30150

- Pleat length 3m
- Pressing capacity 1.500 kN
- Fastbend 3D MT Premium control
- 24” multitouchscreen
- 3D-simulation bending process (info on workpiece positioning and manipulation)
- 4-axis back gauge
- CNC crowning
- Lazersafe opticial operator protection
- Movable plate supports
- NS (New Standard) tooling system with hydraulic clamping of top and bottom tools
The PressMaster 30150 range has a main motor with variable speed drive that consumes energy only during the actual bending process. Main specifications such as daylight opening, heading, unloading and speeds of press beam and backgauge have been optimised. The model at the show has the angle measurement system Alfa-F, which allows desired angles to be bent without operator intervention.
Standard for modern sheet metal working: EuroMaster-S 30150
- Pleat length 3 m
- Press capacity 1.500 kN
- Fastbend 2D MT Premium control
- 21” multitouchscreen
- 2-axis back gauge
- CNC crowning
- ES (European Standard) tooling system
- plate supports
Entry-level model with wide deployment possibilities: SynchroMaster 40250

- Pleat length 4 m
- Pressing capacity 2.500 kN
- Easybend 2D T control
- 18” touchscreen
- back gauge
- ES (European Standaard) tooling syste

For the first time, HACO will live demonstrate the new hydraulic guillotine shear GSX3006-R to visitors at this fair. The shear has a cutting length of 3.050mm x 6mm (when machining low-carbon steel). It is controlled by the SC100 T control with touchscreen that allows the operator to automatically set the blade gap and cutting angle via entry of sheet thickness and sheet material. A hydraulic sheet retention system supports the sheet during stop (correct dimensioning) as well as cutting (elimination of distortion). Via the SBS system (Sheet Back to Sender), it is possible to feed a cut strip back to the front of the machine.