Yorkshire Profiles has enhanced its operations by installing a second “Nitrocube” system, boosting on-site Nitrogen gas production and reducing costs for customers.

For those unfamiliar with the industry, here’s why this matters.

Nitrogen gas is a significant expense in laser cutting due to its multiple crucial roles:

  • Assist Gas: It blows away molten material, ensuring clean cuts.
  • Shielding Gas: Prevents oxidation in stainless steel, avoiding rough, discoloured edges.
  • Safety: Unlike Oxygen and compressed air, Nitrogen is inert and does not support combustion.
  • Abundance: Comprising 78% of Earth’s atmosphere, Nitrogen is readily available.

Environmental Impact of Liquid Nitrogen 

Traditionally, Nitrogen is stored as a high-pressure gas or liquid. Using liquid nitrogen involves several environmental downsides:

  • Transport Emissions: From production to storage facilities, often internationally.
  • Road Damage: Caused by heavy tankers.
  • Gas Waste: During transfer and low usage periods.

Yorkshire Profiles Ltd stopped using liquid nitrogen years ago. However, due to growth, the company had to reintroduce it as production couldn’t keep up. With the new energy-efficient equipment, YP now has the electrical capacity to further increase on-site nitrogen production and once again eliminate the use of liquid deliveries. 

Reliability and Cost Benefits 

This year, delayed liquid nitrogen deliveries disrupted YP production, but the new increased on-site generation will enhance reliability. Additionally, rising costs due to energy and transport surcharges have made liquid nitrogen more expensive. By generating more nitrogen on-site, Yorkshire Profiles can avoid these extra costs and pass this saving onto customers.

Yorkshire Profiles Ltd