Keisha Sasa is one of the first participants on the In-Comm Training ‘fast track’ course and is already eyeing a long-term future in the aerospace manufacturing sector.
The 25-year-old had already secured an aerospace engineering degree from the University of Wolverhampton but was finding a lack of shopfloor craft and technical experience was hampering her efforts to get a first job in the industry.
That is why she jumped at the opportunity to join the programme, which helps her gain practical hands-on experience and, importantly, guarantees her the chance of an interview once she is qualified.
“It can be really frustrating trying to break into a specific sector, especially when you feel you have the qualifications you need to be given a ‘go’ in it,” explained Keisha, who moved back in with her parents to be closer to In-Comm Training’s Technical Academy.

“When I heard about this course, I knew I had to be part of it. The chance to gain the ‘missing’ shopfloor experience was really important and the fact we could do it in just six months really appealed.”
She continued: “I now know that if I complete the course and gain the Level 3 qualification, I will be given an interview and the chance to start a well-paid job with amazing prospects to develop in the sector.
“Collins Aerospace is such a big name in aerospace and there are lots of opportunities to progress within the business, which is located just a few miles from my parents.”
Keisha has already impressed her tutors at In-Comm Training with her passion for the engineering discipline and is now on to her second assessment and learning more about lathes and part turning techniques.
She will quickly move on to CNC machining and programming, an area of the training she is really looking forward to.
“The course has been great so far and everyone has been really supportive and willing to lend a hand if you need it – we’re one big team, with people of all ages and from different backgrounds!” added Keisha.
“Our tutor Paul has time for all of us and his knowledge is second to none, which we are all benefitting from. At the same time, he can be very strict on tolerances, so gaining the qualification is not a given.”
She concluded: “We are still receiving Universal Credit whilst the training is taking place and, for me, that is a real plus and gives you the freedom to really focus on doing well and getting the job at the end of it.”
Keisha’s story is a perfect example of why University isn’t always the best route into the engineering and aerospace sectors.
Starting with an apprenticeship and then progressing through to higher technical qualifications and/or a degree, provides the stronger competence employers are increasingly looking for.