At the close of the fiscal year 2021/22 on June 30, 2022, the Trumpf Group recorded the highest sales revenues in the company’s 99-year history to date, with a strong increase in sales of 20.5 percent to 4.2 billion euros. The order intake increased by 42.1 percent to 5.6 billion euros.At 468 million euros, the Group’s operating earnings before interest and taxes (Ebit) grew positively by 26.8 percent compared to the previous fiscal year (370 million euros).).
During the reporting period, the Group’s sales share shifted away from Asia in favour of Europe and North America: With sales revenues of 838 million euros in the fiscal year 2021/22 (previous year 461 million euros), the Netherlands is Trumpf’s strongest single market in terms of sales for the first time. This increase corresponds to higher sales of 81.9 percent and is attributable to the strong growth of the EUV business segment with the client ASML. In addition, the USA has become the second strongest market with 656 million euros; in the previous fiscal year, the USA was still in third place. As a result, for the first time, Germany — with 589 million euros in sales revenues (previous year 579 million euros) — is no longer the company’s largest single market, but only ranks third. The largest Asian single market, China, lagged behind the strong growth of the previous year with an increase of just 9.6 percent to 575 million euros (previous year 525 million euros) and thus ranks fourth.
The number of Trumpf employees increased by nearly 2,000 during the period under review. In particular, new jobs were created once again in the growth areas of EUV and Electronics. As of reporting date June 30, 2022, the company employed 16,554 people globally (previous year: 14,767). In Germany, the number of employees grew by 10.7 percent to 8,417 (previous year: 7,602). 4,894 of them work at the headquarters in Ditzingen and Gerlingen. In the year under review, 521 young people completed an apprenticeship or a co-op work-study program, resulting in a training ratio of 3.3 percent, which was slightly below the previous year (3.6 percent).
In the reporting period July 1, 2021 — June 30, 2022, the company was only marginally affected by the impact of the increase in gas prices due to a shortage of capacity. In April 2022, the Management Board nevertheless decided on anticipatory gas reduction measures in particular, which continue to the present day. From May 2022 onwards, over the summer months, gas consumption at the headquarters in Ditzingen could thus be reduced by a good half. The main measures included the use of new heat pumps, the reduction of system running times and dehumidification in the air-conditioning systems, especially in the offices, as well as system optimization measures (e.g. lowering setpoints). Trumpf is currently examining further measures for the more heating-intensive winter months.