Caunton Engineering have been working on behalf of main contractor Galliford Try, supplying the structural steelwork for a new major cable production facility in Blyth.
Performance on site is measured by means of the Builder’s Profile. The progression on this site has been excellent, such that the overall scoring of the onsite performance by the Caunton team for November and December 2023 by the means of this profile, has been a remarkable 100%. This means all 5 elements of this scoring method – health, safety and environment, operational / quality, innovate, collaboration and commercial – have been 100%, which is an outstanding achievement.
This cable production facility in Blyth will help underpin the growing offshore energy sector, aiding the UK Government’s target of net zero carbon emissions by 2050.
Caunton has fabricated, supplied and erected 3,000te of steelwork to the structural design provided by Waterman Structures.