From its origins in 1960, The Saint Anns Sheet Metal Company, based in Nottingham, has built up a reputation as a quality-orientated company in materials, workmanship, and customer support recognised by ISO 9001:2015 accreditation. As a specialist CNC machinist of sheet metal, the company has continually evolved to offer many services from laser profiling, welding, powder coating, and metal plating to name a few. Operating from state-of-the-art facilities and using the latest laser cutting equipment they have grown to become one of the Midland’s leading sheet metal companies. Saint Anns have been a valued customer since 2019 and has recently proven again their dedication to development by investing in the MIE Solutions Shop Floor Data Capture. Simon Blood explains the benefits
Our Kiosk System
‘With Costs on the increase and the resulting squeeze on budgets, it’s more important than ever that we’re ensuring we’re offering the best possible value for our customers. To help us with this we’ve been working with our ERP partners MIE Solutions to roll out their shop floor data capture system Kiosk, giving us a competitive edge.’
The information gathered from the Kiosk system will allow us to accurately quote our customer’s work, by giving us an accurate time (and thus cost) for being completed It will also allow us to identify areas of improvement, such as bottlenecks in production or inaccurate timing estimates in quoting which we can then work to resolve. Resulting in a more efficient overall customer experience from sales to delivery.’
How Does Our Kiosk System Work?
‘The way our system works is simple really! When a job is moved onto the shopfloor it’s given a job number, as the job moves around the floor, each operator logs onto the job with their unique ID to let us know they’ve started working on it and logs off when it’s completed. This will provide the office with an accurate time for how long the job took which can be taken into account when our customers reorder that job or jobs that involve similar materials and processes.
The information gathered by Kiosk is then analyzed by our talented pricing analyst who provides an accurate assessment of how we’ve done and where our work could’ve been improved. For instance, if a material requires a difficult bend but the material itself was harder to work than anticipated by our sales staff and thus took longer to bend than had been quoted for, this could be highlighted as an area of improvement with the improvement being to allow for more time for the job to be completed.’