With its new functions, Schuler’s DigiSim Unlmtd software takes die simulation for transfer presses to a new level

The simulation of the part flow in transfer presses offers many advantages: Because all motions relevant to freedom of movement, such as those of the slide and transfer, are included in the calculation, potential collisions can be identified in advance. As a result, the risk of failure is reduced and output is increased by an average of 40 percent. Schuler’s “DigiSim” software can be used to optimize die design, too. The latest version with the addition “Unlmtd” is now also suitable for forming systems from other manufacturers and offers a “ViewOnly” function.

“Imagine being able to look into the future of your manufacturing process”, says Johannes Klein from Process Management at Schuler. “This is exactly what is possible with ‘DigiSim’.” The freedom of movement simulation is also used to calculate the maximum stroke rates and the setting data for the respective press. A collision check ensures the necessary safety distances between grippers and die: “This reduces downtimes and increases the overall system effectiveness because die, press and transfer are optimally coordinated.” The software can be used on all forming systems with two- and three-axis transfer systems.

Christof Kuchelmeister, also from Schuler Process Management, explains how “DigiSim” helps with die design too: “We receive initial information on the stroke rates already during the part flow planning. This improves planning reliability during the quotation and project planning phase.” In addition, not only the movement curves but also the complete safety space – the so-called sweep volume – of the grippers and components are determined: “It’s almost impossible not to keep the necessary safety distance.” The tilting of the components is taken into account, too. The generated setting data can easily be transferred to the press, which speeds up the commissioning process a lot.

To ensure smooth communication between die design and production, the runable simulation can be sent together with the “ViewOnly” software, which not only displays the clearance curves but also allows measurements to be taken. This eliminates the need for time-consuming simulation reports. “’DigiSim Unlmtd’ enables the design of higher quality dies at lower costs as well as shorter die commissioning with increased safety and increased output,” summarize Johannes Klein and Christof Kuchelmeister.
