Employees celebrate milestone birthday
He developed the pneumatic gripper feed: Hermann Schleicher, who died in 2005, started his own business 60 years ago in a small garage in Erlangen and founded the machine factory named after him. In 1990 his company joined Schuler, and today transfer systems for presses – but also, for example, state-of-the-art coil lines and laser blanking lines – are still being produced at the Louis-Schuler-Strasse in Heßdorf. The around 250 employees have now celebrated the milestone birthday of their location with a big party on Friday, June 30, 2023.
“Schuler can look back on a long tradition in Heßdorf,” says Frank Klingemann, Managing Director of the Industry Division. “The coil lines, transfers, and blanking lines also continue to provide our customers around the world with increased output, efficiency, and flexibility.” “My big thanks go to all our employees, whose years of tireless dedication we have to thank for this,” says site manager Benjamin Fürst. “Our coil lines and transfers really make a press productive. And with our laser blanking lines, we’ve shown that blanks can even be cut without expensive and heavy dies.”
The previous evening, Frank Klingemann and Benjamin Fürst had already honored the jubilarians for their 25 or even 40 years of service at Schuler in Heßdorf. The ceremony, which was also attended by Horst Rehder, Mayor of Heßdorf, and representatives of the local council, had to be cancelled due to the Corona pandemic over the past three years.