- Gestamp, in its activity, generates high-quality scrap that has become a strategic raw material in the low-emission production of the metals used to make cars.)
- Gescrap is a global company dedicated to the logistics and recycling of metals and a leader in Europe in the management of high-quality scrap.
- The operation is strategic for Gestamp because it allows it to access a sector with great potential such as the circular economy and strengthens its competitive position with OEMs, by incorporating low-emission steels into its products
Madrid, December 1, 2022. Gestamp, a multinational specialized in the design, development and manufacture of highly engineered metal components for the automobile industry, acquires a 33.3% stake in the Gescrap Group.
Gescrap is a multinational company founded in 1994 dedicated to the recycling of metals and total waste management for the industry and is the European leader in the management of high-quality scrap. “We are convinced that this is an important milestone in the company’s history” affirms Iñaki Velasco, Founder and CEO of Gescrap, “Gestamp as a strategic partner is going to reinforce our commitment to leadership in new business opportunities in the world of the circular economy and recycling, sectors which are certainly in full growth.”
Importance of the circular economy
Gestamp has a circular economy business model that promotes responsible practices in waste treatment. More than 98% of Gestamp’s waste is recycled, reused and recovered instead of being deposited in landfills. The Gescrap operation enhances Gestamp’s contribution to this circular economy.
“The company understands circularity as one of the basic pillars of its sustainability strategy,” affirms Ernesto Barceló, Corporate Director of ESG, “since it contributes, on the one hand, to the reduction of mineral extraction (mainly iron and aluminum) with a direct impact due to the reduction of emissions in these supply chains and, on the other hand, the optimization of waste management.”
Gestamp shows a multitude of approaches to the circular economy: from R&D teams that design components with reduced material consumption and less waste processes, to the use of green energy for production (green PPAs have been signed with, among others, Naturgy and Cemig with more to come in 2023). The strategic investment in Gescrap will be an additional lever with which Gestamp will be able to enhance the circularity of its business model, promoting the use of its scrap as a secondary raw material in the production of low-emission steel.”
“Given our position in the automotive sector, it is our responsibility to contribute to the reduction of emissions throughout the supply chain”, says Francisco J. Riberas Executive President of Gestamp. “We are very excited to participate in Gescrap, as this will allow us to join a profitable and growing business while reaffirming our competitive position with our clients and advancing our ESG strategy.”
Committed to ESG
Sustainability and the fight against climate change are intrinsic to Gestamp’s ESG strategy. Gestamp is dedicated to the responsible manufacturing of lighter metal components for vehicles, thus contributing to reducing CO2 emissions and, by extension, the environmental impact. The investment in Gescrap helps the Company to expand its contribution to the environmental impact of its supply chain.
The company has always optimized the use of natural resources and has been based on the circular economy model. Its long ESG history has allowed Gestamp to become a leading company in sustainability among companies in the automotive sector. The company applies environmental criteria at all stages of production: from the selection of suppliers and the optimization of raw materials and natural resources, to the management of the consumption of energy and water resources necessary for the manufacture of components (which, in turn, turn reduce greenhouse gas emissions during the use of the product) through waste management.
About Gescrap
Gescrap is a multinational group dedicated to the comprehensive recovery of waste. It was founded in 1994 with the aim of leading the provision of these services. The group, with more than 500 employees in more than 70 centers, has more than 20 years of experience in the recovery sector. In 2021, its consolidated gross income exceeded €900 million and its net result before minorities was approximately €60 million.
Combining local proximity with the solvency of a multinational company has resulted in a guarantee of quality and service at the height of the most demanding sectors. Proof of this is Gescrap’s specialization in comprehensive waste management for large automotive companies.
Gescrap is currently present in 17 countries (Iberian Peninsula, Europe, America, Asia and Africa) where it provides a wide range of services to both the materials production industry and consumers of metallic materials
About Gestamp
Gestamp is a multinational specialized in the design, development and manufacture of highly engineered metal components for the main vehicle manufacturers. It develops products with an innovative design to produce lighter and safer vehicles, which offer lower energy consumption and a lower environmental impact. Its products cover the areas of bodywork, chassis and mechanisms.
The company is present in 24 countries with more than 100 production plants, 13 R&D centers and a workforce of nearly 40,000 employees worldwide. Its turnover in 2021 was 8,093 million euros. Gestamp is listed on the Spanish stock exchange under the ticker GEST